The Future
A vision, a concept, a sketch, an idea when incepted is nothing but a scribble on a notepad unless it is articulated by the visionary. It is just that one moment of ‘Eureka’, a tungsten lightbulb that goes off, an apple that falls from a tree and the world isn’t the same anymore. As we waft over an ocean of projects, we remain in eternal transition of what we believe is possible or what needs a bit more head-scratching, insomnia-inducing and brainstorming to make it happen. This is what ‘The Future’ means to us.

Cause-led advertising is extremely important in the consumer-centric world that we live in, which is why digital marketing is so successful in captivating the attention of people in the market. Experiential marketing in the near future can boost cause-led initiatives that will empower the consumer and keep them invested even after the purchase is made. With the right kind of technology, the consumers can touch, feel, smell and experience the service or the product. In return, it will ensure that the product-placement won't be a force-fit anymore, instead it will be a value addition in the brand-building excercise that will cement the association of the product in the minds of the people.

Currently we are testing some promising technology

Live data – Showcasing real-world applications with the help of data gathered from the internet.

Motion tracking – Replicating the movements of an individual and using them in real-world applications.

AR and VR have helped us create a technological frontier that dictates the future of marketing for everyone. Staying updated and accepting the technology is the only way to make a difference. The vision has always been to ensure that this futuristic approach has its applications in the real world as well. With immersive technologies on the rise, let’s list down the potential gadgets that could be the next big thing in the world of AR and VR.

1) Cinego

The prime focus of virtual reality when it was introduced in the market was to enhance the movie-viewing experience and make it more personal. A virtual cinema with an 800inch screen, placed 60 feet away from the user to give the ultimate cinematic experience anywhere and anytime. With Ultra HD, 3D and Virtual Reality compatible, this headset is future-proof. This is also compatible with live streaming apps and allows the user to have a video chat with their friends. Cinego is not a revolution in the world of innovation but it surely tries its level best to elivate the movie-going experience for people around the world.

2) Clever glass

There has always been some point in our lives where, when we wished that our reading glasses would do a lot more than just give us a better visual of the elements we are looking at. Clever glass is built to be more than just your regular reading glasses. With the help of bone conduction technology and a built-in microphone, Clever Glass can play music, read out your messages, allow you to chat with your friends, connect you to your smartphone’s virtual assistant and a lot more. It may not be the giant leap in terms of eye-wear technology but it sure is a step in the right direction.

3) Avegant Glyph

A VR headset with a twist. As opposed to using the traditional technology of OLED or LCD screens, it uses a combination tiny mirrors and LED that reflect the light to shape it exactly the way it's being showcased so the final image is created within the eye. The end product resulting in the images being extremely sharp and clear. As it sends the light directly into the brain there is no conflict of information in what the viewer is perceiving and what the object actually is. It simply utilises the processing power of the brain. This creates a kind of experience that is so immersive it surpasses the technology that other devices possess and can have multiple interesting uses besides just viewing media.

4) Magic Leap One

These $2300 headsets come in 2 sizes and a wide array of customisable options to ensure that the fit is perfect. It consists of 3 components, the headgear, the processor and the controller. The processor can be placed on the pocket of one’s trousers or can be strapped on to one’s shoulder. The point of it being the bulk of the processor is down low and the headgear can be agile allowing the user to move their head around to view the content that will be augmented over the objects in a user’s line of sight. Their software overlay is called space and it is extremely intuitive for a headset with limitations. The point of this gear is not to be something so unique that it has never been attempted earlier, instead, it is just a step up from the other devices out there.

The future is not AR and VR instead the future is all about mixed reality. It is the combination of these 2 technologies to bring about a revolution in the world of experiential marketing.